NOTE: Shop will be closed until February 14th, 2025 while I am in the field on Sable Island
I like to think of Sable Island as a living being, its’ moods reflected in the weather. Yesterday Adventure Canada returned to the island and once again the weather was fabulous, as it was today too. Sable Island must really like Adventure Canada!
We caught our last seal yesterday, an adult male on the East Spit of the island. This is the sixteenth seal deployed with a satellite transmitter and acoustic transceiver. The seal work is now done, although that remains is for us to leave the island.
Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that we will leave tomorrow. The plane (Islander) that flies out here from Maritime Air is broken, or a part of it is, and it is doubtful that it will be fixed in time for our fight. And that is fine, as long as we don’t run out of food!