damian lidgard

damian lidgard


“…perception is not meaningful self-confirmation, but the experience of things as they are. White is white, and black is black…You and the experience become almost indivisible when you experience something in that way. It’s that kind of direct communication without…

Street photography: week nineteen

“Expose the banalities of the new urban landscape” George Georgiou “…I am interested in…what the relationship is between a modern planned urban/suburban space and the individual. In other words, planned public space where people can feel comfortable or familiar with…

Dancing with squareness

When I photograph, I use no rules and let my perceptions govern the final image. Here is a great description of how that works: DANCING WITH SQUARENESS “Photographs are boxlike. We have a square camera with a square perspective. That…

Street photography: week seventeen

“Take pictures where you’re not comfortable, where you feel exposed, threatened, or morally on the wrong side.” – Mirko Martin Children make excellent photographic subjects but I am never at ease when photographing them in public. I saw these two…

Lidgard Photography