Wild Horses of Canada, South Beach, Sable Island

Oversized and Framed Prints

When a photograph is enlarged it approaches or may achieve the virtual size of the subject. Images that are or near to life-size communicate with the viewer in a much stronger way since they are closer to the normal experience. 

Enlarged prints can therefore create a strong impact in a house when hung over a sofa, bed or on a bare wall in a living room or in the office.

Most of the images in my collection were taken with a high-resolution camera allowing the image to be enlarged to 60” (i.e., 5 ft) on the longest side without the loss of quality. 

Enlarged prints can be expensive to frame and difficult to hang. I therefore recommend the image to be printed onto a canvas and stretched on a wooden frame. 

    Special Prints Contact Form

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    If applicable, please include the names of the photos (visible by hovering over thumbnails or clicking on the images), and any other instructions. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    Lidgard Photography