NOTE: Shop will be closed until February 14th, 2025 while I am in the field on Sable Island
Street photography: week forty-five

“See the characters but create your own plot” – Martin Kollar
“See the characters but create your own plot” – Martin Kollar
Surrealism Now! – Gary Alexander
“Go somewhere you haven’t been before – a dog show, a polo match, a monster truck rally – and remember, the interesting things often happen at the fringes away from the main ‘action’.” – Paul Russell. The three images below…
“Bend the rules and play tricks with the mind; make documents of moments that have never existed.” – Peter Funch When these moments occur I find they are full of humour. I really enjoy finding them.
“If you’re not sure it’s a picture, shoot it anyway” – Carolyn Drake These two images, from many others, were occasions when I saw something but was unsure whether to shoot it or not. I think if one has reached…
“There is a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen, Frederic Lezmi. Two quite different views, one of a broken ladder taken in an old light house in Cape Breton, and the other a scene…