NOTE: Shop will be closed until February 14th, 2025 while I am in the field on Sable Island
I have just completed one week on Sable Island (Nova Scotia) as part of my work as a research zoologist/photographer. I had intended to create a blog during my stay, with images, but we have had issues with the internet. So, I am going to create the blog post-trip. Here is day three.
23 June 2012
Yesterday, our second day on the island, was spent setting up the house for our short stay and gathering scientific equipment for our work. Our goal for this trip is to catch 17 grey seals and deploy a satellite transmitter and acoustic transceiver on each one with the intention to understand the social behaviour of seals at sea and how they interact with their prey and competitors, i.e. fish.
Today, the third day of the trip, we hope to catch more seals but it seems the best time is in the afternoon, when the seals have come up on to the land and are easier to catch before they head back into the water. This gives me a little time to shoot some pictures. As a wildlife photographer, Sable Island has a great deal to offer (wonderful landscapes, seascapes, sunsets, wild horses, nesting terns, etc) and it is easy to miss the simple beauty that exists around you. The image of the grass is a good example.