Tag Sable Island

New Public Artwork

Lidgard Art at Bishops Landing

Today I spent a few hours (admittedly frustrating hours) securing two large pieces (60″ x 40″) of artwork in the recently renovated public washrooms on Bishops Landing in Halifax. The wall was a mix of concrete, wood and plaster so…

Currents of Sable Island

On Saturday eve, 21 March, I spent the evening at the Peggy Corkum Music Room in Halifax; a small cosy recording studio that would probably seat 50 people. Scott MacMillan, a local composer, had spent the day recording a piece…

Let me see, let me taste,…


I am always thinking of new ways to exhibit my art work, and a recent addition to my interests provided a rather unique opportunity to do something a little different. In April this year, I graduated as a professional sommelier…

Lidgard Photography